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*Exclusions & T&Cs apply. New accounts created on or after 14/11/2024 that opt in to news and offers from Sony.
Discount will be 5% off TV or 10% off selected audio depending on product and is subject to change. Voucher is valid for limited time.
Offer is subject to change. Not valid in conjunction with any other offer. Click here for full terms.
**Please note: due to upcoming changes to MySony member benefits, from 1 April 2025 all Sony TVs and PlayStation product purchases will be excluded from free shipping.

Instant Saving

$150 off when you buy a selected
BRAVIA TV + Soundbar in the same transaction*

Ends 11:59pm AEDT 31/03/2025 or while stocks last.

*May not be applied in conjunction with any other offer. Terms & Conditions Apply.

Bonus Offer

BONUS Inflight Wireless Audio Adapter
valued at $69.95 when you buy Midnight Blue
WH-1000XM5 Wireless Noise Cancelling Headphones*

While stocks last. Limit of 1x Adapter per customer. *T&Cs apply.

New BRAVIA TV lineup

Feel the emotion and excitement of the movies in your home.
BRAVIA fills every corner of your space
with soul-stirring cinematic sound and beautifully detailed pictures.

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